How to grant access to your Mississippi TAP login
For Mississippi, it is sometimes necessary to grant Sidr Tax access to your Mississippi TAP login. This is because Mississippi requires setting up TAP login before registering for a sales tax license.
Login to your Mississippi TAP account. On your home page, click Manage My Profile.

On the Profile tab, click Change Twp-Step Settings.

Click Add Email. This will add a new two-step verification email to your login.

Add, and click Save.

Once you finish this step, Sidr Tax will be able to receive two-step verification emails and login to your account.
Grant Mississippi TAP access to Sidr Tax
Login to your Mississippi TAP account. On your home page, click Manage My Profile.

On the Profile tab, click Change Twp-Step Settings.

Click Add Email. This will add a new two-step verification email to your login.

Add, and click Save.

Once you finish this step, Sidr Tax will be able to receive two-step verification emails and login to your account.
Updated on: 08/12/2024
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